Completely healthy my whole life up until this last year at the age of 42 then…
Pfizer 19 1st shot begining of July 2021
Pfizer 19 2nd shot end of July 2021
Oh one thing I forgot to mention 1st shot there was no issue probably because I verified that it as a low risk shot. The 2nd is where the damage was done and I KNOW it is because it was deemed a medium risk shot as shown from looking up my lot numbers here.
Begining of August - Satan Enters My Body in the Form of a Vaccine all hell breaks out ER visit middle of August,
VAERS report filed - DUMB ass Pfizer comes back concluding: Small Fiber Neuropathy
Think about this for a minute how can they conclude this without taking a skin sample or test my body for this. IM TELLING YOU THESE COMPANIES DONT KNOW SHIT AND MAKING THIS UP AS THEY GO!!!
08/09/2021- First time ever in my life where I woke up early August 2021 with left hand and right hand completely numb. Going to give you a detailed hour by hour daily symptoms that all came at once.
08/15/2021- I began experiencing a burning sensation on the right side and left side of my hips, not yet experiencing any numbness in my legs or feet but I figured I would in the coming days, since I was experiencing numbness and an shocking feeling in both hands. This all began on August 09th 2021. Since then I was experiencing burning sensations like a sunburn on my back even though I was never in the sun.
The numbness and shocking feeling usually would not set in until the evening.
8/15/2021 - Its now 1pm and there was a burning sensation again in my hips so far my breathing had not felt any different although I was starting to feel a sense of tightness in my chest.
8/15/2021 - It's now 3pm and I was now starting to feel some tingling in my right ankle, tingling in my toes, right foot is starting to feel numb and starting to wonder why is this happening?
8/15/2021 - 3:10pm Right shine on my right leg has a burning sensation and starting to have pressure in my head.
8/15/2021 - 4pm I as not feeling a burning sensation not only in both of my shines but also on the inside of my left bicep.
8/15/2021 - 5:10pm Now experiencing a slight tingle base of the back of my neck.
8/15/2021 - 5:13pm Thankfully, numbness started to subside in both legs and feet, but was only temporary.
8/15/2021 - 7:12pm Tingling feeling in my right foot and bottom of the foot came back and was slightly numb hurt when I stomped down on my heal.
8/15/2021 - 7:40pm Both of my hands went numb again and both ankles were numb. Started to feel sick to my stomach. Mentioned to call 911.
8/15/2021 - 11pm Went to bed attempted to sleep, couldn't go into a deep sleep and kept stirring around. Got no sleep that night, forearms were burning topside and inside of both arms were now burning, back felt like it was irritated to the touch and my sheets. Both of my shines were now burning and this went on throughout the night no sleep.
8/16/2021 - 4am Its now early morning very tired, tried to go back to bed but didn't get any top right hand felt sunburned and was numb throughout my legs and feet.
8/16/2021 - 7:20am Began to experience a burning sensation on right and left side of my hips again. No numbness in any of the arms or feet but no was feeling a bruise like felling on my left tricep. Was hoping that it was nothing serious. Still had a burning sensation in both sides of hips, felt like a rash was coming in my hips legs.
8/16/2021 - 8:08am Had a slight numbness that was coming back and now my left pinky had no feeling in it.
8/16/2021 - 9:20am Itching in the center of my back was begining to happen, I as not feeling a sense of hot flashes that came upon me, and the left side of my neck and left shoulder were burning and numb.
8/16/2021 - 10:57am Now I was feeling a slight tingle and numbness in the left pinky again and the finger before my pinky. I was not starting to feel numbness in my right pinky.
8/16/2021 - 1:06pm Attempted to take a power nap, woke up and left hand was numb tingling and both of the backside of my triceps were now very sore.
8/16/2021 - I was no feeling a little better, finally had some what of an appetite. But was feeling a tingling on the right and left leg it was starting to feel numbness in my left hand.
8/16/2021 - 7:35pm Both right an
d left hips were now burning again, took Advil PM before bedtime, on a scale of 1-10 pain, 10 being worst pain I was a 9.5.
8/17/2021 - 4:08am Woke up with numbness inside my right arm, right hand was also numb, tingling in the right side of my hip burning sensation was a pain level of 4, but nothing like the evening of 8/16/2021. Left hip pain was about a pain level of 2. Back of my left arm and the tricep felt sore and felt like I had been punched, a knot feeling, and my right and left thigh felt stiff.
8/17/2021 - 7:32am Now had a burning sensation in both sides of my hips, pain level was a 8. about like the morning of 8/16/2021. Decided I would start taking 2 Advil every 4 hours to see if I could get some relief.
8/18/2021 - 8am woke up with extreme pain felt like I had been kicked in the back of my left calf muscle. Pain level was a 9. I had not felt anything like this in my life. Now I had tingling more so in my left foot and a little in my right foot and horrible pain in my head. Not a headace feeling but more like a pressure feeling that I have never experienced in my life. Sadly, I knew that this PIECE OF SHIT VACCINE had now made it throughout my body, and I was now experiencing what they termed "Brain Zapps"
8/19/2022 - 8pm ONGOING brain zapps every minute of the day for months on end, relentless. Start taking excedrine migrain in the morning hoping that it would give me relief until at least 2pm or 3pm then immediatley start poping advil like they were candy, the pain was so intense. I did this from August until Early October EVERY DAY!!!!
Ohhhhhhhh and I am just getting started with my PFIZER COVID-19 INJURY symptoms…still battling the Pfizer Covid-19 injuries to this day 9/13/2022!!
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