3:00 am - Woke up with of course you guessed it suicidal ringing in both of my ears. THESE ARE THE MOST HORRIBLE SYMPTOMS I HAVE EVER EPERIENCED AND LIVING WITH AND NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A WAY TO WAKE UP I am so tired of always waking up with headpain and ringing in both ears pain 9. This has lasted all morning, it's not something that just comes and goes this morning it has been constant. The VAX INJURED life is brutal, one could only imagine what we are constantly going through so pain is 9, it's been constant ringing all morning it's now 11:36 am and I can assure you that I have not changed anything in my diet or my daily regime. I have to admit my head pain was firing really bad at 9:15am. I really do think that this vaccine may just kill me, not sure what to make of all of it. The pain and pins/needles in my ribcage is also really bad today. I have been experiencing this all morning. Well everyone I will be sure to give you all an update as the day progresses. Until the next update.
12:00pm - 9:00pm I was in pain throughout the rest of the day. I had many times where the head pain came back at a pain level of 8. Also, noticed that I was feeling a little tightness in my left side of the chest. Going to be monitoring this, but also had my last meal at 3:30pm. Not going to eat until Thursday evening after 9:00pm. Going to attempt to do this fasting regime while drinking many fluids and then see how I feel. According to an AMAING DOCTOR, FASTING IS HEALING SO I AM GOING TO GIVE THIS ANOTHER TRY. I also was feeling pain/needle sensations un upper body today it would come and go so will be monitoring this as well. Just really tired of always being in pain. Well going to go to bed now guys, all the best and GODSPEED! Well see what tomorrow brings.
Vaccine and the word #vaccine should all raise our eyebrows, these vaccines are dangerous, had I know that this vaccine could do all the list of side effects that were not very prevalent back when I took this. Hands down there is no way I would have EVER taking these shots. Never again will I ever take any shot in my entire life GODWILLING that I live to see the next 10 years. Time will only tell what this #vaccine Vaccine has done to me. To think that I listened to our Government/Media the very company that had provided a roof over my head for the last 8 years, to have it all be brought down to rumble all because of this Vaccine is just something that I could have never imagined. I feel so low in my life right now all because of the Vaccine yes that's right the VACCINE that has literally ruined my life probably forever. This Vaccine has taken it all from me, the #vaccine has destroyed me and my life will never ever be the same. I can't emphasize this enough, and not sure how to get through this when you are in constant pain throughout the day. The pain that this vaccine has caused chokes me up now every time I have to explain what I am feeling, do your research people this #vaccine was highly dangerous and GODWILLING he will see to it that these people who cast this upon humanity will pay dearly. Until then only time will tell and hoping that he works his magic on all of those that have been really harmed from the vaccine. #vaccine.
Main Symptoms: LIKE (WTF) Still Persisting...WHY BECAUSE OF PFIZERS VAX and Vaccine #vaccine.
- Calf muscle twitching/spasms #1 Pain of a 3 finally...
- Pins/Needles/Shards of Glass Feeling - Both sides of my lower rib cage pain 7
- burning sensations throughout my lower extremities/numbness that comes and goes. Pain of a 5
- feelings of Gerd/acid reflux (Felling of buildup of gases in my body) - This has subsided again no longer presant.
- trouble/pain swallowing on the right side when eating citrus foods sometimes This has finally gone away after October 15, 2022
- vibration spasm in different parts of my body. Pain of
- POTS like symptoms - Pain of 4
- Mas Cell Activation Symptoms - Somewhat has subsided.
- Head Pressure comes and goes. #2 - Pain of 7
- Slight pain feeling that comes and goes left side of my heart - Pain of my heat pain 4
- Blood Pressure Fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
- Heart Rate Variability fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
- Tightness in chest pain 3