Vaccinated - My Pfizer Vaccine Injury Update - October 20, 2022

Vaccinated - My Pfizer Vaccine Injury Update - October 20, 2022

5:00 am Woke up this morning, with yep you guessed it unrelenting pain in my head. I just don't really understand what to make up this, and still not really sure how I go about documenting my day. Being that my day is usually made up of pain from the minute I wake up, until the time I get to rest my head at night. You see I never use to have to battle with this, but sadly it has become a part of my daily sec. by sec. pain, sometimes at times more intense than others. The doctors out here are a bunch of bozos, the MD's for that matter. So it doesn't help to go to them because they will just suggest prescription drugs. So I will just push on and hope I can get this SHITTY spike proteins out of my body. Still have yet to receive my detox protocol, and supposedly there is a water out there that will aid the gut, I am sure they are talking about Aloe Vera water but when I get the additional details I will be sure to let you all know. So yeah today was a very rough day from the moment I woke up until about 1:00 pm. Then out of no where my head pain/pressure reduced from a level of an 8 to a 5, which is where I am at now that it is 5:17pm. All my other symptoms are still present, even today I felt pin/needles or that shards of glass feeling return, it's like it comes and goes. It likes to remind me that the spike proteins are still moving throughout my body so it seems, not sure but just guessing. So yeah it's been another rough day and well being that I started to feel bad again I am going to attempt to not eat anything more today until tomorrow, just not a thing I am use to. Usually I will have 3 meals a day and snake on some healthy things throughout the day prior to all this happening a year and 4 months ago. Just not right, finally I will provide you all with an update as the evening progresses. 
5:17pm - 8:00pm Well so I decided to eat last night outside of my usual diet and perhaps that's why I felt so shitty most of the day, all I had was lasagna hamburger helper last night but that is all I could think of but when I got back from being out I decided to get gluten free vegetable pizza at 4pm and that is going to be my dinner, so fat I am feeling much better but still have a high ringtone in both ears a pain volume of 9, this never seems to go away and lesson in volume. So it's now 8:30 pm I took all my natural supplements of course they have helped me or so I think, but of course it may not help you. So please encourage you to take the advice of all the doctors that are TRUE doctors that are helping all the injured through this very difficult time. CHECK OUT OUR HERO DOCTORS here. Going to be getting ready to lay my head down for the night take care everyone and godbless you all that are fighting everyday to regain your health. 
SO WHY AM I DOING THIS YOU MAY ASK? IT'S SIMPLE PRIOR TO ME BEING UNVACCINATED A YEAR AND 4 MONTHS AGO I WAS A PERFECTLY HEALTHY GUY, BUT BECAUSE THERE WAS SO MUCH PRESSURE FROM THE COMPANY I WORKED FOR AND THE PIECE OF SHIT VACCINE MANDATE THAT PIECE OF SHIT BIDEN WAS TRYING TO RAM DOWN THE USE THROATS I DECIDED WHAT CAN IT HURT, THE 1ST WAS A LOW RISK SHOT BUT THE 2ND YEAH THAT WAS ACTUALLY PROVEN TO BE A MEDIUM RISK SHOT. I LOOKED MY LOT NUMBER UP, SO NOW THAT I AM VACCINATED I REGRET EVERY MINUTE. This is now what I tell anyone that ask, if you are healthy and have been healthy continue to do what you do but if you are not then change it. I have learned that  by being unvaccinated I was so much healthier and happy. Now that I am vaccinated it has been a DISASTER AND I WOULD TELL ANYONE THAT ASK THAT IF IT WERE ME NEVER AGAIN WOULD I CHOOSE TO GET #VACCINATED. Therefore, hear me out what I say that never again will I every be vaccinated ever again, that's right to hell with you CDC and your pushed agenda to get people #Vaccinated, us VAX INJURED are coming for your jobs and hopefully the red wave will wipe the slate clean with your collusion with BIG PHARMA & the GOVERNMENT. It's is sick and just pure evil that this is where are society has come. The reason for why all these strains are popping up is because of the VACCINATED #Vaccinated, you can take all the Vaccinated and your shots and shove them so far up your asses that the sun won't shine. Yeah you heard that correct maybe you should re-read that sentence if it was not clear! PERHAPS!!! GO FOR IT AND IF YOU DO WELL WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE THE SITE, BECAUSE I DON'T NEED PEOPLE TO SUPPORT ME BEING VACCINATED. #Vaccinated is what got me in this mess and I will be damned if I give in now and succumb to the pure evil that now plagues our planet, you know who you are and by the time you read this you will probably be searing for a way to shut the internet down. BUT HEY AT LEAST I AM ATTEMPTING TO HELP THE WORLD, how about you what are you doing to help, other than promoting some dangerous toxic Vaccines and hoping that the world takes this shit becomes Vaccinated #Vaccinated, then gets pump full of this crap until there body becomes so inflamed with inflammation that it fires up fights back and you die!!!!! BUT HEY IT's a WIN FOR YOU GUYS BECAUSE YOU JUST DECREASED THE POPULATION...I will leave it at this if you think, that for one second I will ever think about getting vaccinated again, think again not over my dead body will I ever be #vaccinated again! GO TO HELL, BECAUSE THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE ALL GOING THAT PUSHED THIS NARRATIVE! OH BY THE WAY ALL IF YOU HAVE NOT HEARD YET THERE IS NEW CASES OF WHAT THEY ARE CALLING "RSV" HMMMMM I WONDER IS IT BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE ARE RAMING THESE VACCINES DOWN THE CHILDRENS THROATS AND BECAUSE THEY ARE NOW VACCINATED THERE SAYING OHHHH MY GOD A NEW VIRUS TO PUSH THERE GOD FOR SAKEN NARRATIVE WAKE THE F UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!

Main Symptoms: LIKE (WTF) Still Persisting...WHY BECAUSE OF PFIZERS VAX and being Vaccinated #Vaccinated

  • Calf muscle twitching/spasms #1  Pain of a 3 finally...
  • Pins/Needles/Shards of Glass Feeling - Both sides of my lower rib cage pain 2
  • burning sensations throughout my lower extremities/numbness that comes and goes. Pain of a 3
  • feelings of Gerd/acid reflux (Felling of buildup of gases in my body) - (this was happening back in August 17 2021- September but this too went away after having to take Omperazel 40mg.) This has finally gone away after September 2021.
  • trouble/pain swallowing on the right side when eating citrus foods sometimes This has finally gone away after October 15, 2022
  • vibration spasm in different parts of my body. Pain of 2
  • POTS like symptoms - Pain of 5
  • Mas Cell Activation Symptoms - Somewhat has subsided.
  • Head Pressure comes and goes. #2 - Pain of 5
  • Slight pain feeling that comes and goes left side of my heart - Pain of 2
  • Blood Pressure Fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Heart Rate Variability fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
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