The Light Living In All Of Us And Human Kind - POS Pfizer Vaccine Injury - January 17, 2023

The Light Living In All Of Us And Human Kind - POS Pfizer Vaccine Injury - January 17, 2023

A bright new day is dawning.Can you see It?

There is a bright new day dawning for humanity, but you can't see it with your eyes wide open. You must close them.

World control

Who are the people that changed the world for the better, throughout history?

"I know! I know! It were the naysayers!"

"Those that were always negative, had no hope or vision, and only went with what their limited senses observed in the present."

"They always criticized those that did have a bigger, and more positive vision."

"They even felt smart because they weren't as 'naive' as those that had dreams, and hopes for the future."

"Those were the ones who changed history for the better, and helped humanity."



We all know that is not true.

Naysayers don't help humanity. Humanity has never been helped by people who have a negative mindset. So why are so many of us so dark in our mind? Why do we focus on the bad all the time, while we mock those that see from a higher perspective?

They know the election is stolen, and understand that the criminally positioned president is a Deep State puppet of the World Economic Forum, who will impose extreme tyranny on Brazil, for the sake of the agenda of the globalists.

The fact that for the past months many millions have been protesting non-stop all over Brazil, and were even supported by the army, shows that something powerful is stirring in this beautiful nation. Criminal politicians worldwide freaked out about it on Twitter, expressing their fear that this could inspire the entire world.

After publishing these encouraging reports, I received a number of emails from people with good intentions, who tried to pour water over my fire, by telling me this entire protest is a psyop of the government.

When I take a good look at the most recent protest, it indeed has all the hallmarks of a trap. While the army at first protected them, they were ordered to step aside, and eventually almost two thousand were imprisoned.

But still I am excited about what is happening in Brazil. The sheer number of people who have been protesting for several months, is just unbelievable. I received several emails from people in South America, and one was from a group of Brazilians. The person representing this group, wrote me a sentence that hit the bulls eye:


That touched me, because this is exactly what I have learned to do. Even though we know that the illegitimate government is cracking down on the people of Brazil, I feel a deep excitement in my "gut". The past decades I have experienced that listening to my deeper senses, provides me with a more accurate intel, than than what my eyes see, my ears hear, my mind knows, and what people tell me. That's why I listen to the much deeper, and always more accurate, inner voice of the Creator who whispers deep down in our innermost being. We say this is our “gut”. The Scriptures say:

“Guard your heart,for from it flowthe essences of life”.

Human Heart

Our brain is just what it is: a grey blob of neurons. But humans are way more than a grey pudding in a mortal body. Anyone who knows anything about the real world, is fully aware that humans are in essence spiritual beings. Our body is like a jacket that is put over who we truly are. When we learn to operate in our deeper senses, we will have a better understanding. “Trust your gut”.

Did you know that the truly successful businessmen are those who listen to their “gut”?

Throughout history it have always been those that listened to their deeper inner man - from where dreams, visions, beliefs, and courage come - who did incredible exploits. They saw something with their spiritual eyes, they understood something with their spiritual mind, they felt something with their spiritual senses, and that's what gave them the strength to push through the visible obstacles, to a different world.


Well, in my inner man, my spirit, or my gut - however you wanna name it - I sense an excitement, and joy, and I see a future so brilliant, it's hard to believe. This is a stronger foundation, than the present situation. And I see that millions worldwide share this deep conviction. There is more going on than evil rearing its ugly head. There is a volcano of truth starting to erupt, a wave of deliverance beginning to build, a roar of justice rumbling in the distance.

When I expose the horrible practices of the criminals, it's not to put a dark cloud over you, but to shake you wide awake, so you would rise up, and become part of the greatest awakening of all time.

But my worst opponents are some of of the so called "truthers" out there, who think they know everything way better than anyone else, but all they do is proclaim the "inevitable victory of evil". That is so sad. Please don't be one of those dark naysayers, who think they are smart, but who are blinded by a dark veil over their mind. Some people have been focussing so much on the evil in this world, they forgot how glorious the LIGHT is.

Look at the bright light of the sun. Has there ever been a night that wasn’t followed by the sun?

They tried to kill me

I was almost killed during this "Plandemic" from the Pfizer Shot 1 and 2. To read about the hell I went through just click on this link.

And then most recently just before the end of this year 2022, I had an existential crisis and was thinking again of taking my own life again because of the ups and downs of this Vax Injury. With the razor at my wrist, I heard a voice: “Don’t do it. God has a plan with you.” The fact that I heard this is beyond me. But I decided that this New Year is and will be the year where we. all us vax injured our heard!

I know I am here for a reason. My life was spared several times to tell the world:

There is hope. There is a future. There is more than just darkness. There is a world so much more beautiful, and powerful than the deep dungeons of darkness.

The wicked have no authority. All they have is deception. If their lies are broken, they have NOTHING. Nothing at all. The Source of all life did NOT appoint, or anoint the wicked to rule on earth. The have no mandate, no divine blessing, no crown, and no scepter. They are entirely illegitimate. The reason they have so much power, is because of their sophisticated deceptions that blind, and control mankind.

Once humanity is liberated from the many deceptions in our mind, we will rise up and see that our adversaries are way below us, and not above us. That's why they are terrified of truth coming out. It's also why we have to do every effort to spread truth to mankind.

So please go to and share the homepage everywhere you can.

Strategic brainwashing of humanity


One of the ways they have been strategically brainwashing us, the past decades, is to reject our Creator. None of us chose to do this. The reason we reject a Giver of life and Origin of love, is because our minds have been controlled by our culture, media and education.

We are victims of severe brainwashing.

Fifty years ago the understanding that there is One who gave life to this world, was as basic as 1, 2, 3. Even in some early Disney movies, the actors in the film kneel down, and pray for help. You can see this for example in "Journey to the Center of the earth". The adventurous heroes ask the Almighty Creator for help, before they enter the depths of the earth. It was normal. The mass rejection of the Origin of all that is good, is a recent phenomenon, that gained traction as radio and TV was used to brainwash the world population to move away from what every human knows deep down to be true.

We have fallen prey to a vast system of lies.

But the tide is turning. I am here to tell you: let go of your dark, hopeless mindset. The future is brilliant, beautiful, bright, and bigger than you can dream.

Climbing mountain

We do have to climb a few mountains first, to find the better world. We must keep our eyes fixed on the other side, because in the present we don't see it yet. Did Martin Luther King see any change? No. He was shot to death before anything happened. But his dream came to pass. Nobody who brought about a significant change in this world saw it with his eyes, at first. That's why there is always that still small voice, deep inside of us, that says:

"Hey, look up!

What do you see?

Can you believe it?”

Open your eyes, dear people. We will see the change in our world. Hang in there. Don’t give up. Stand strong. And do what you can, to help this transformation.

We all walk a different journey, have different backgrounds, beliefs and cultures, we all will learn and change in the future. But our hearts are set for the same purpose: a better world that is not ruled by satanic criminals.

May we have hearts of hope and courage.

All the best,

Everything we do - high quality documentaries, in depth evidence reports, guides, emails, the website - is given freely to the whole world, because we don't want to hinder the spreading of critical truth. But we really need people who value our work to support us. Please help our mission. Thank you so much!


I also woke up this morning with head pain like I always do. Just not sure how much longer this is going to last. The pain has been relentless, so I decided to chew my nicotine gum again. I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW MANY TIMES I CHEWED NICOTINE GUM BUT BY THE END OF LAST NIGHT AFTER ABOUT 4 CHEWING SESSIONS AT 20 MINUTE INTERVALS, LETS JUST SAY I WAS REALLY TIRED OF NICOTINE GUM. DECIDED TO GO TO BED AT 9PM LAST NIGHT AS MY HEAD WAS FEELING JUST OK. STILL HAVE PAIN THROUGHOUT THE DAY, and of course the pins/needles feeling that all of a sudden rears it's ugly head in my body. Just tired of it all...Hopefully, things are going to change sooner than later, all the best my friends take care and goodnight.

Main Symptoms: LIKE (WTF) Still Persisting...WHY BECAUSE OF PFIZERS VAX and there way to stipe the god given miracle in all of us The Light #The Light.

  • Calf muscle twitching/spasms #1  Pain of a  finally... "3"
  • Pins/Needles/Shards of Glass Feeling - Both sides of my lower rib cage pain "5"
  • burning sensations throughout my lower extremities/numbness that comes and goes. Pain of a "5"
  • feelings of Gerd/acid reflux (Felling of buildup of gases in my body) - This has subsided again no longer presant. 
  • trouble/pain swallowing on the right side when eating citrus foods sometimes This has finally gone away after October 15, 2022
  • vibration spasm in different parts of my body. Pain of "3"
  • POTS like symptoms - Pain of "4"
  • Mas Cell Activation Symptoms - Somewhat has subsided.
  • Head Pressure comes and goes. #2 - Pain of "5.5"
  • Slight pain feeling that comes and goes left side of my heart - Pain of my heart pain "3"
  • Blood Pressure Fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Heart Rate Variability fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Tightness in chest pain "3"


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