the conners what a joke

The Conners - My Pfizer Vaccine Injury Update - November 17, 2022

4:30am - By now you guys are all aware that every morning is always the same when I wake up always with ringing in my ear. Also I am feeling a burning and shards of glass feeling throughout my rib cage, and underneath both of my arms. This is the worst feeling anyone could ever experience. I know that my body is attempting to heal itself, its just so hard when you feel good for like a day or two. Where as I I don't do anything different the day I feel good, and then just feel like shit the following days. Just can't make any sense of this madness. 

It's now 5:50am, and for the most part all my symptoms are persistent this morning, as for the last 10 minutes I have had a burning/pinch sensation again in the left side of the frontal part of my head. Also, I have decided to start my morning off with another Figi apple and my high end multi-vitamin- email us if you would like to know the brand, and decided to take my brain supplements, and added my probiotic for my stomach issues. Attempting to resolve this. Also, decided to have my blended smoothie, yep a whole lot of blueberries, with pineapple juice, a little apple juice, some lethicin powder, curcumin, quercitin and vitamin C, peanut butter, organic protein powder with amino acids, curcumin and some ph minerals. ummmm mmmmmummmm it was amazing, I highly encourage everyone that is having issues to email us and we can point you in the direction of where I learned this from. But as you can see it's all a routine now every morning is always the same as far as what I take on a daily basis.

I did feel shards of glass like feeling in my thighs and rib cage again this afternoon from 12pm all the way until now at 9:30pm. Getting ready to head to bed it's been yet another long day of attempting to figure out what next thing I can do to feel better. Perhaps this has lasted longer than usual because of the increased dosage of my supplements, I don't know then again I probably will never figure this out, I mean just look no one cares enough to give us the exact answer us vaxx injured are in so desperate need of. Of course I am still not eating as much as i use to so hopefully this will also get back to a normal thing for me.   

I did also experience head pain off and on again it does seem like I am getting more energy back. But even after I ate I still felt little pins and needles/shards of glass feeling return throughout the day, so perhaps it's still the spike proteins being released.. 

Oh, and as I mentioned yesterday, I have increased my multivitamin that I am taking to 3 a day, and will be doing this for 7 days a week for the next 2-3 weeks. Well that's it for me going to be headed to bed, until tomorrow everyone, I will be sure to keep you all updated all the best everyone and GODSPEED...

The Conners airing on ABC and the TV show #The Conners airing on ABC will never be a show that I watch. ABC you should feel so ashamed of airing this piece of shit show in fact you have made me so mad today that this is the day that I will re-launch this website. We are suppose to be able to walk away from our day at work and be able to relax by turning on the TV. Being that everything is so divided now, it's pretty sad when you can't even turn on the TV without seeing a motive behind a TV show now a days. But this time The Conners airing on ABC and there ad that they are using with all there PIECE OF SHIT masks on there mouth has just gone to far...Our media is just out of line these days and unless websites, .orgs and people that believe in our freedom stand up we will lose. This is not right and I, myself will do everything I can to expose all the evil that is still to come. I will not live in fear any longer, I will not allow my life to be over run with TV shows that impose on my personal day to day enjoyment. Who in there right mind would ever take part in watching shows like #The Conners airing on ABC, and LUCIFER. Soo I never watched LUCIFER and I will be damed if I ever watch the new ABC TV show that is soon to air called the #THE CONNERS AIRING ON ABC, these actors wearing there masks on the their new AD just sickens me. We won't be adding a link to find out more about this POS TV show that is about to air if you would like to find out more just leave our website now, we don't need people like you lingering around our site!!!! Yeah did we stutter...

the conners airing on abc lost souls

Are you crazy these actors are so lost, Im going to call them "lost souls" yeah the perfect name for sure, a piece of shit show. The Conners airing on ABC can take there masks and well, you don't even want to know what I was about to say or perhaps you do know and agree with me. In any case enough is enough. #The Conners airing on ABC TV show is a joke, I will never take part is watching the show now that I have seen this ad no matter how good people think it is. Nope never will I watch one show of the The Conners airing on ABC ever. I hope by now you are seeing a common theme with my posts, if it imposes on our freedom well I will be against any of this crap.  

 I myself have never been any fan of any shows where they have a motive to deliver a sinister message and the shows I named in my opinion do. So again THE CONNERS AIRING ON ABC and everything this show stands for and the producers behind it well they need to find the lord. Theses people will never be saved, good luck to them, and the success of these shows like #The Conners airing on ABC.  Sadly this is where our world is heading attempting to alter what is right from wrong and clearly if you do not see the political agenda behind this show well quite honestly I really hope you just leave our site now. Never again from this day forward will I ever live a moment in fear. Our media and as you can see are doing everything in their power to change our views and the ways in which we live our lives, to living in constant fear. The Conners airing on ABC and this horrible TV show is just another way they are going about pushing their sick motive and well it's time we all do something about it if you can. This is just my way of doing just that. In closing TV shows like the ones I mentioned #The Conners airing on ABC and Lucifer are damaging to our minds and we as a society need to speak up and expose the truth which is what we are now doing.  Take care all and GODSPEED...

Main Symptoms: LIKE (WTF) Still Persisting...WHY BECAUSE OF PFIZERS VAX and TC Shows that are now airing on TV like The Conners airing on ABC #the conners airing on ABC and Lucifer!!!

  • Calf muscle twitching/spasms #1 Pain of a "3" finally...
  • Pins/Needles/Shards of Glass Feeling - Both sides of my lower rib cage, it was coming and going throughout the day pain - "7"
  • burning sensations throughout my lower extremities/numbness that comes and goes. Pain of a "3"
  • feelings of Gerd/acid reflux (Felling of buildup of gases in my body) - This has subsided again no longer presant. 
  • trouble/pain swallowing on the right side when eating citrus foods sometimes This has finally gone away after October 15, 2022
  • vibration spasm in different parts of my body. Pain of " " This was really happening last week internal like tremors left backside of bicep and sometimes occasionally throughout my body...
  • POTS like symptoms - Pain of "4"
  • Mas Cell Activation Symptoms - Somewhat has subsided.
  • Head Pressure comes and goes. #2 - Pain of "7"
  • Burn sensation left front side of my head - Frontal lobe portion feels like a pinch feeling -  Pain "4"
  • Slight pain feeling that comes and goes left side of my heart - Pain of my heart pain "2"
  • Blood Pressure Fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Heart Rate Variability fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Tightness in chest pain "4"


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