SARS-CoV-2- My Pfizer Vaccine Injury Update - October 10, 2022

SARS-CoV-2- My Pfizer Vaccine Injury Update - October 10, 2022

7:00am Good morning all so lets talk about SARS-CoV2 #SARS-CoV2  Some may ask well did you ever have SARS-CoV-2 HAAAAA like I would ever come down with that shitty disease, since the beginning of all of this I told myself that my family was going to just continue to live our lives only mask up whenever we left our home and work remotely so we didn't have to worry about anything. That is what we did from the start of COVID or shall I call it the PLANDEMIC. Yep you heard me, so no I never had SARS-CoV2 #SARS-CoV2 BUT Then I know exactly what you guys are thinking well it's sounds like you had the same symptoms of it. Realllllllly ok, sure I did I had the FEVER that everyone had, right. I had the issues of feeling like I actually had the flu right, or did I? NO I NEVER HAD ANY OF THIS MY SYMPTOMS WERE ALL INJURY SYMPTOMS, FROM BURING OF MY BODY FEELING TO NUMBNESS TO MY ENTIRE BODY, INCLUDING A WEIRD NUMBNESS FEELING WHEN I TOUCHED MY ENTIRE HEAD, TO FEELING OF NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATE NOT BECAUSE I HAD FLUID IN MY LUNGS. NO, IT WAS BECAUSE MY ESOPHEGUS WAS SO ENFLAMED THAT IT MADE IT HARD TO BREATE. OH DID I FORGET TO MENTION THAT I ALSO HAD BLURED VISION IN BOTH EYES THAT WOULD COME AND GO. AND THAT IT WAS SO BAD THAT FOR 2 MONTHS FROM OCTOBER TO DECEMBER 2021 EVERY MORNING I WOKE UP I HAD A GOOYE CRUSTY WHAT WAS LIKE EYE BOOGERS. This is something that I have never had to deal with in my life where I had this much drainage in my eyes that was crusty in the morning and then made it hard to open my eyes. Hmmmmm I wonder why this article was just released 10/10/2022. We told you were brining the NOISE

blindness from vaccine


YEAH EXPLAIN THAT ONE, so I am very thankful but I never had SARS-CoV2 #SARS-CoV2 Remember because our Government/Media and you Elites caused this from a world HEALTH SCARE we will be bringing the NOISE, and it will catch up eventually and become mainstream news, it just will build and mount until the truth prevails. This is why we created this website....So lets talk about how I am feeling today and how it was never SARS-CoV2 #SARS-CoV2. 
It's now 8:00am I woke up feeling ok, but then I looked at a thread and came across this (above) which got me thinking could that have been me last year, see the trauma YOU Yes you government and officials have caused. Is this from #SARS-CoV2 SARS-CoV2  Are you really going to sit there and try to tell me that this is a symptom of SARS-CoV2 yeah right you all really still believe in the tooth fairy if this is the case. IT states in the article that this was caused by the VACCINE, we are bringing the NOISE......So it's now 11:15am and I am feeling better still have the ringing in my ears as this is always constant, soarness on the inside of my left bicep and of course all the other symptoms are still at about a pain level of 4. Thankfully this has subsided to the point that I can now think and have ok concentration, without the high pitch ringing going on in my brain. But sadly still not feeling like I was prior taking this PIECE OF SHIT PFIZER VACCINE. I still am attempting to get back to myself but I am still in a frail state as well, and every now and then I will get pain in my head followed by a slight burn every now and then on the left side of my brain. I will be very grateful for the day when I am hopefully able to wake up with no pain. Not sure if and when that day will come but hoping sometime soon. Well it's now 11:30am people and going to move forward in my day but please stay safe and be careful out there with all the truth that they are attempting to cover up in there so called #MISINFORMATION CAMPAIGNS THAT THEY CONTINUE TO PUSH TO THE WORLD... Alright everyone I will be back with any updates that I have or any crazy pain that I experience later in the day. Hope this helps anyone that is truly suffering, talk soon...
11:30am - 4:30pm So today has been a ok the overall pain is still a 4 and have high pitch ringing in my ears, remember this all anecdotal information that I am providing that is helping me get through this nightmare, yes I say it's been a nightmare so those that brought this about my body and my health will pay, pay in that us VAX INJURED are going to bring the noise. So I have still all the symptoms and now starting to feel a little prickling sensation in my left should but at least it not like it's been, perhaps because I just got done eating some organic baked chicken with spices and organic soups and beans. Like I said I have been eating what I feel is very healthy, I am waiting for the detox, going to attempt to take a detox bath tonight and see how I feel after that. Never in my right mind did I ever think I would be needing to do a detox bath with epson salt. Will be sure to provide you all with the update and how I feel. Also, at this point and by now I would hope that you really understand that I NEVER HAD SARS-CoV2 #SARS-CoV2 THIS I KNOW. BY NOW I AM SURE THAT YOU CAN SEE WE ARE NOT GOING TO REMAIN SILENT, WE ARE BRINGING THE NOISE AND IF YOU EVER ATTEMPT TO DO A LOCKDOWN LIKE YOU DID ESPECIALLY WHERE IT SHOWED ALL THE CITIES THAT WERE EMPTY YOU WILL SEE OUR WEBSITE BANNER ALONG WITH ALL VACCINE INJURED LOUD AND PROUD AND THE ENTIRE WORLD WILL THEN SEE WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING WHEN THEY REPORT IT THROUGH THE MEDIA, DON'T BELIEVE US WELL TIME WILL ONLY TELL, BUT CONSIDER THIS A WARNING AS WE WILL BRING THE NOISE...We are sick of seeing these pathetic little doctors being shown on TV saying how dangerous this disease was, it's over and now it's time to expose SARS-CoV2 for what it was just another variation of the FLU...#SARS-CoV2 Overall pain and pain in the head is down to a 4 as of now, thankfully feeling a little better. While we do understand that you had loved ones that lost there lives, we understand and are sorry to hear that, but before you go off on our message consider first and ask yourself yeah they died of COVID-19 but do you know that for sure, or was it the VACCINE that caused massive inflammation in there body and there body fought back soooo hard that it shut down, as we can 100% tell you this is what happened to me look it up it's called a "CYTOKINE STORM" and I am extremely lucky to even be alive. Will be sure to update you all as the day comes to an end. 
4:30pm - 8:48pm Well thankfully my spasming in the left bicep has subsided and thankfully the soarness is about a 2 now. But there is never an explanation as to why it just started doing this again. So will be monitoring this, with regards to all my other symptoms are still here, no out of the ordinary pain in my chest today, it just comes and goes but thankfully not today. The ringing in the ears is every second of the day and I have yet to get in to the ear, nose and throat doctor as they are really backed up from this whole COVID years but last time i got my ears checked before all of this I had absoulutely nothing wrong. So I am waiting to get an appointment. Finally, my head experienced pain at around 6pm. It just came out of know where pain shot up to a 6 and then stayed for about 10-15 minutes then finally subsided again, will keep you all updated but getting ready to call it a night, so talk to you all tomorrow. It's a new day with a new theme so we will just wait to see how tomorrow turns out. Going to be taking a DETOX bath tonight and will give you an update tomorrow, later everyone, and keep up the fight...GODSPEED...
9:15pm ohhh go figure just picked up my phone was on it for like 5 minutes and the head pressure came back out of know where go figure pain came back to a 7, ahhhhh so tired going to bed now hopefully it will subside by tomorrow, night all....

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