joy bahar nut job wouldn't want to wakeup to that every morning

Joy Behar - My Vaccine Injury - December 02, 2022


joy bahar scum

you just can't make this shit up
WHY AM I CALLING OUT Joy Behar #Joy Behar can sure dish it out on the Piece of Shit The View much like Whoopi. Look if I have to sit here and watch the TV show and come across The View where they share there viewpoints on mainstream media, well then I am going to share my opinion on there outlandish, crazy talk. And for the last 3 years they have been so vile with there words, especially when Donald Trump took office. And lets face it they are so onesided, so here goes my views on that trailer trash show.  Yes, you heard that correctly specifically Joy Behar and how she was so admit on these TOXIC Shots. Well now #Joy Behar how great are these SHOTS NOW, hmmmm in fact looks like you were have colleague was having trouble on your show this week with breathing. COULD IT BE because Whoopi was up on her Unteeth BOOSTER... YOU PEOPLE are truly something. You see Joy Behar these shots are not only TOXIC BUT DEADLY!!!  When are you and your colleagues on this piece of shit show going to end your bullshit rhetoric and finally put an end to your toxic words that come out of your months. It is disgusting and quite honestly appalling that you women can sure bash people and there viewpoints but yet you can't take any criticism back. Well we are telling you exactly that. You see we control the narrative of what is said on here, and well Joy Behar looks like your colleague Whoopi might have taken one too many shots. HMMM perhaps you may suggest to her to go see her doctor and test if your troponins are to high and well have her check her inflammation markers. My guess is they are going to be all out of balance.  You see the Joy Behar this is what you get when you trust Piece of Crap Scientist over real Doctors. #Joy Behar you are a no body especially since you have been so critical of others. Pretty sad when you were a nobody on the big screen and turned to a daily talk show because it was all that you had.   

However, before we get into #Joy Behar even more, lets talk about my symptoms that I continue to have. So this morning I woke up at 3am with a pounding head pain, and some blurred vision again, in both eyes.  Therefore, got up tried to get moving, went to the bathroom and then went and laid back down. Also, just before bed last night my right arm on the inside of my bicep was spasming for about 5 minutes and then went away, but could this be my lymph nodes attempting to repair itself, I mean after all this is where my lymph nodes are. Anyway, it was uncomfortable and finally I was able to get to sleep. But now it's 4:30am and experiencing some pins/needles inside my thighs, but going to try to just attempt to ignore it. AHHHHH I swear it's like one or two days I am feeling back to my normal self and then the next couple I am miserable. Well one thing is for sure the people that did this to me, the people that were pushing so hard for the piece of shit vaccine mandate, well we and myself are coming for you...Of course I still woke up and had a high pitch ringing as always. WELL I KNOW it's from the SHITTY SHOT INGRIEDENTS, and it effecting all my entire body but what I do know is it litterally destroys the fatty organs in the body.

Finally, it's now 1:25pm and there is a constant electrical buzz in my bran. It feels like it's never going to go away and I have experienced some head pain and pins in needles again in my rib cage throughout the day. Finally, it's now 9:30pm and been more internal trembles today than anything else so calling it a night. So it again has been an exhausting Friday. Oh well all to use to this pain. Till the next update guys...GODSPEED...

Now lets get back to Joy Behar as she too seems to be getting a whole lot of attention especially since she is a loud mounth. No we never make shit up on her everything that we write about or come across is 100% the TRUTH. That has been what I have done my entire life, told nothing but the truth as the truth will prevail and always will set you free. But for Joy Behar and The View, everything that comes out of those womens mouth is like so to the left and liberalism it's sick. Beyond sick, so all the best to you Joy Behar, as you are going to need it, oh and how about Epsteins List you sick lady? By the way great pick, that one is a good  Sooooo please go get another BOOSTER while your at it, it just may be the last, like millions of others that are no longer here on earth... Take care all and GODSPEED... 

Main Symptoms: LIKE (WTF) Still Persisting...WHY BECAUSE OF PFIZERS VAX and crazy main stream media show like The View and Joy Behar #Joy Behar!

  • Calf muscle twitching/spasms #1 Pain of a "5" finally...
  • Occasional blured vision left eye THIS IS A NEW ONE AND REACCURANCE FOR SOME REASON - "3"
  • Pins/Needles/Shards of Glass Feeling - Both sides of my lower rib cage, it was coming and going throughout the day pain - "4"
  • burning sensations throughout my lower extremities/numbness that comes and goes. Pain of a "4"
  • feelings of Gerd/acid reflux (Felling of buildup of gases in my body) - This has subsided again no longer presant. 
  • trouble/pain swallowing on the right side when eating citrus foods sometimes This has finally gone away after October 15, 2022
  • vibration spasm in different parts of my body. Pain of "4"
  • POTS like symptoms - Pain of "3"
  • Mas Cell Activation Symptoms - Somewhat has subsided.
  • Head Pressure comes and goes. #2 - Pain of "5"
  • Burn sensation left front side of my head - Frontal lobe portion feels like a pinch feeling -  Pain "3"
  • Slight pain feeling that comes and goes left side of my heart - Pain of my heart pain "5"
  • Blood Pressure Fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Heart Rate Variability fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Tightness in chest pain "5"


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