great reset written by your very own KLAUS SCHWAB still think it's a conspiracy read the book

Great Reset - My Pfizer Vaccine Injury Update - November 07, 2022

4:30 am - Woke up with of course you guessed it suicidal ringing in both of my ears. Headpain level of a 4 and ringing in both ears pain 11. Still not sure why, this is always happening every day. The pain right now at 6:30am is not so much pain in my head, and thrankfully I am not feeling the shards of glass feeling this morning.  

It's now am 6:30am, every now and then my head has been feeling the slight pressure and burn sensation this morning, but just have to get through it. I am sure this has caused my neurological issues, will just have to watch this.  Also, he ringing in the ears seems to have turned to a lower tone hissing sound but will be sure to watch for any changes. 

So far it's been a day with some pain, it's now 8:30am and I am now feeling the pressure again in my head, still have no idea why all of a sudden I get this very uncomfortable feeling, hopefully this will eventually subside. Also, just got off the phone with my doctor and he wants me to go on GABA it's a NOW Supplement at 750 mg for the next 3 days. I will be taking this 1 hour after I eat, this is supposedly tests my Blood Brain Barrier. I know for a fact that this PIECE OF SHIT SHOT CROSSED MY BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER but now this is suppose to tell me whether my blood brain barrier was harmed from the shot. My doctor said that it may make my headpain worse, and if so that we will need to figure out out to heal my Blood Brain Barrier. Sounds like so much fun everyone RIGHT? I swear when this is all over and I have been healed I will be relentless in paying back all of those that harmed my body. I will do whatever I have to, to see to it that all of these evil people are prosecuted. You elites and the GreatRest can take all of this and shove it up your a**.
8:56am my head pain has continued this morning for the last half hour with some burning sensation happening every second.

Well it's now 12pm and I have had head pain all morning, coming and going. Perhaps the pain will soon ease once I get the guilt off of my shoulders, once I know that I can return to a normal life. 

Well from 12pm until 9:30pm when I decided to go to bed I was experiencing internal like twitches or tremor like spasm's like on the backside of my left bicep and it just kept doing this until I finally was able to get to sleep. I also experienced this in other areas of my body is it becasue I began taking THE PURE NUTRIET 95 WITH NAC, NOT EXACTLY SURE, but I do know that prior to taking this I was not experiencing anything like this. Does this mean it is healing those areas specifically the left side of my body that was destroyed a year ago, not sure but lets hope that this will resolve with time.  Ok  guys I am going to head of to bed now it was a somewhat brutal day, all the best and GODSPEED! Well see what tomorrow brings. 

#GREATREST and the word #GreatReset should scare anyone. The WEF and there evil plot is beyond something that none of us in this world can imagine. But if you look back at the last 2.5 years we could have never imagined what happened, right? NO really stop and think about what I just said, this was a planed "plandemic" . I say this because these people, the people that are fully aware of the #GreatReset chose to instill this upon our great society. the #GreatReset and the word #GreatReset should really make us even more apprehensive as to what they have planed. The #GreatReset is real and they are going to be pushing this on all of humanity, and it started with the planed "plandemic". This has caused so many people to go through extreme hardships and in my opinion is highly criminal.  The #GreatReset, and everything it stands for needs to be fully exposed and it starts with us. We (the good people in this world) have a responsibility to bring this all to light. To expose the evil in our government and officials/elites that cast this on humanity was beyond that of what we ever could have imagine. I should have know all along but they were extremely sneaky about there plan and have been executing the #GreatReset flawlessly for some time now. BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and now that I have come to the realization that Social Media and and Government were set on separating all of us to either choose to be among the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated is absolutely that and the workings of good vs. evil. The #GreatReset continues to press disease and sickness and attempt to scare his very citizens, news flash you better start looking in just how powerful the people are because they know that there plan the #GreatReset is already taking place. People such as Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and the others, you know who you are need to be punished and prosecuted and in time the lord will take hold and do his magic on these people. Good luck to them they are going to need it and if I have anything to do with it I will fully expose their #GreatReset initiative. Never again will I ever listen to any advice or suggestions from these incompetent people especially people that are aware and actively pushing the #GreatReset agenda. Sadly, if this is now trending just wait until the world wakes up and sees that all the world leaders that were pressing it's citizens to go forward with their plan the #GreatReset. Well lets just say that people will not tolerate being lied to any longer.  People like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates should be held for #crimes against humanity and they should die of pain and suffering much like they have inflicted to all the people suffering from taking these piece of shit shots!  The #GreatReset is wrong and their agenda has literally ruined peoples lives, so yes lets hold these POS accountable including the very people at the highest level. Finally, until the day that my lord #lord jesus christ re-appears, we all, the good, will be waiting until then GODSPEED! 

Main Symptoms: LIKE (WTF) Still Persisting...WHY BECAUSE OF PFIZERS VAX and the #GreatReset.

  • Calf muscle twitching/spasms #1 Pain of a 3 finally...
  • Pins/Needles/Shards of Glass Feeling - Both sides of my lower rib cage pain 4
  • burning sensations throughout my lower extremities/numbness that comes and goes. Pain of a 3
  • feelings of Gerd/acid reflux (Felling of buildup of gases in my body) - This has subsided again no longer presant. 
  • trouble/pain swallowing on the right side when eating citrus foods sometimes This has finally gone away after October 15, 2022
  • vibration spasm in different parts of my body. Pain of 6 This was really happening last night internal like tremors left backside of bicep and sometimes occasionally throughout my body...
  • POTS like symptoms - Pain of 4
  • Mas Cell Activation Symptoms - Somewhat has subsided.
  • Head Pressure comes and goes. #2 - Pain of 7
  • Burn sensation left front side of my head - Frontal lobe portion feels like a pinch feeling -  Pain 7
  • Slight pain feeling that comes and goes left side of my heart - Pain of my heart pain 5
  • Blood Pressure Fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Heart Rate Variability fluctuation - This has subsided or so I think.
  • Tightness in chest pain 3


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